I wanted to share a few tips I used when upgrading the Windows 8 Release Preview to Windows 8 Enterprise.
Bit Locker
The fist challenge I had is Bit Locker was enabled. Not really a challenge as the upgrade told me how to suspend it, which takes all of 10 seconds.
Host Version
Next I was informed I could not upgrade the Release Preview version I had. I over came this by changing the install files to allow upgrade from a much earlier version, do this at you own risk.
Above the RTM upgrade host version was higher than the the current installed version. I lowered this to 8200.0. Remember, do this at your own risk.
If Windows 8 won’t activate run the following from an elevated command prompt
slmgr.vbs –ipk 0123-4567-89AB-CDEF-GHIJ
Other than these 3, everything else just worked. I really like the very simple guide advising users to push the cursor to the corner of the screen. I think though it should cover a little more and highlight keyboard shortcuts.