Over on the Exchange Team blog they have posted .PST, Time to Walk the Plank, about a new tool called Microsoft Exchange PST Capture to discover, capture and import PST files distributed on computers within your organisation.
Read about it on TechNet here, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh781036.aspx.
Obviously it works with Exchange Online as well as partner Hosted Exchange or on-premise Exchange Server 2010. You can import to either primary mailbox or Archive Mailbox.
Fig1. Server Connection Settings
If the PST is open/in-use it can’t be imported, so maybe a tool to run over night or at the weekend in combination with waking PC’s up.
Fig2. Configuring Search
I have previously used a tool which also ripped out PST encryption/password protection easing imports for those users attempting to protect PST data. It appears Microsoft Exchange PST Capture does not do this yet.