Entourage 2008 Exchange Web Services Edition


For those in the know, WebDAV is no more in Exchange 2010. This is big problem for Mac users who access Exchange mailboxes using Entourage. The solution to this is Exchange Web Services, a protocol that first appeared in Exchange 2007. Exchange Web Services also opens open the flood gates for custom applications that tie in to Exchange Server.

To get the latest Entourage 2008 Exchange Web Services Edition Beta you will need to go here, http://www.microsoft.com/mac/itpros/entourage-ews.mspx. Note, you will need to have Office 2008 for Mac SP2 with the 12.2.1 update release.

From the Exchange side you will organisation will need to have Exchange 2007 SP1 RU4 or later. You’ll need to enter the EWS address which is normally similar to OWA, but with a different ending (e.g. https://mail.example.com/EWS).

New features include:

  • AutoDiscover enhancements
  • Notes and Tasks synchronisation
  • GAL/LDAP access over the web