Scripting Exchange 2007 failover

I got a bit bored of command line/command-let Exchange 2007 SCC failovers on Server 2008 today and always find the GUI too much faff, so I made batch files that provides some feedback and prompts along the way. Hope people find this useful.

Create PowerShell PS1 files called ‘E12CMS1N1-Ex-Failover.ps1’ and ‘E12CMS1N2-Ex-Failover.ps1’ .

move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity 'E12CMS1' -MoveComment 'Failover' -TargetMachine 'E12CMS1N1'


move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity 'E12CMS1' -MoveComment 'Failover' -TargetMachine 'E12CMS1N2'

Then create batch files called ‘E12CMS1N1-Ex-Failover.bat’ and ‘E12CMS1N2-Ex-Failover.bat’

cluster group
cluster . group "available storage" /move:E12CMS1N1
cluster . group "cluster group" /move:E12CMS1N1
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -PSConsoleFile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\exshell.psc1" -command ". 'C:\EXAdminScripts\E12CMS1N1-Ex-Failover.ps1'"
cluster group


cluster group
cluster . group "available storage" /move:E12CMS1N2
cluster . group "cluster group" /move:E12CMS1N2
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -PSConsoleFile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\exshell.psc1" -command ". 'D:\EXAdminScripts\E12CMS1N2-Ex-Failover.ps1'"
cluster group

Run the corresponding file to failover to that node, maybe even place a shortcut on the admin desktops. I especially like this because it reports the cluster groups owner before proceeding and and at the end.

I have thought about going one step further by setting SCOM maintenance mode on and off at the start and end of the script, setting Yes/No options for each step, having editable comment sections and listing the node names for selection rather than having 2 scripts. Oh well, a job for another day maybe when I’m not so busy. :o)

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Outlook 2010: CRM + Mobile Device Center + SharePoint

Last week I downloaded Office 2010 Beta 2 in both 64bit and 32bit flavours to play with and test with the differing services/applications I use.

Good news:

  • If upgrade my Office 2007 install the CRM Outlook client works.
  • The major niggles with SharePoint seem to have gone.
  • The 32bit version works with Mobile Device Center.
  • Outlook 2010 works well with my Hosted Exchange provider (Cobweb)

Not so good news:

  • 64bit does not work with Mobile Device Center. :(
  • 64bit does not work with CRM Outlook client. :(

There are loads of people writing about this stuff, so I’ll leave it at that.


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MS 071-663 PRO: Design & Deploy Messaging Solutions with MS Exchange Server 2010

The 071-663 PRO: Design & Deploy Messaging Solutions with MS Exchange Server 2010 certification became available today in beta and can be taken from 1st December 2009 for a few weeks. I’ve decided to book myself in for 08:45 on 1st December. :o)

The PRO exam should be quite a step up from TS, which I completed in about 25 minutes although I hope I’m not in there for the full 4 hour duration allocated.

I shall be taking a deeper look in to cross forest/cloud options, migration and cross premise solutions to prepare along with other materials. If you have any suggestions for me please drop me a message.


MCTS: Exchange Server 2010, Configuring (70-662)

I took and passed MCTS: Exchange Server 2010, Configuring (70-662) this morning and was very impressed with the quality of the questions covered.

If you want to prepare for the exam yourself check out the MS Learning site,


RIM announce BES support for Exchange Server 2010

I missed this yesterday, but RIM announced support for Exchange Server 2010 on their site here

October 20, 2009 - Research In Motion (RIM) is pleased to notify you that we are working in close collaboration with Microsoft on compatibility and support for BlackBerry® Enterprise Server for Microsoft® Exchange Server 2010. Compatibility is expected later this year. BlackBerry® Technical Support Services for BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 is expected within 30 days following the global availability of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.



Windows Server 2008 NTFS.SYS hotfix - addresses deadlock


Earlier in the month a hot fix was released to resolve a deadlock problem with Server 2008 and Vista. I heard from the Exchange Team that if you are running on Exchange 2010  on Server 2008 you could experience this problem.

If you are running Server 2008 R2 then you are safe.

Exchange Server 2007 SP2

Just in case you missed it, Exchange Server 2007 SP2 launched today. Get it here,

It will be of particular interest to those wishing to upgrade to Exchange Server 2010.


Exchange 2010 RC released to the world

I suggested keeping an eye out yesterday and today MS have released Exchange 2010 RC to the world.

Exchange 2010 Beta


Lots going on at the moment, which mean not much time to blog. If you are bored check out my favourite site at the moment, Yep, it’s the Exchange 2010 Tech Center which is being updated all the time…

Entourage 2008 Exchange Web Services Edition


For those in the know, WebDAV is no more in Exchange 2010. This is big problem for Mac users who access Exchange mailboxes using Entourage. The solution to this is Exchange Web Services, a protocol that first appeared in Exchange 2007. Exchange Web Services also opens open the flood gates for custom applications that tie in to Exchange Server.

To get the latest Entourage 2008 Exchange Web Services Edition Beta you will need to go here, Note, you will need to have Office 2008 for Mac SP2 with the 12.2.1 update release.

From the Exchange side you will organisation will need to have Exchange 2007 SP1 RU4 or later. You’ll need to enter the EWS address which is normally similar to OWA, but with a different ending (e.g.

New features include:

  • AutoDiscover enhancements
  • Notes and Tasks synchronisation
  • GAL/LDAP access over the web

Exchange 2010, Windows Server 2008 R2 & ServerManager

I recently posted about Exchange 2010 installation re-requisites on Server 2008 here, Anyway, with the imminent release for Server 2008 R2 (Windows 7) we should now use PowerShell to install Windows features due to Servermanagercmd.exe being deprecated in R2.

First we need to right click PowerShell and Run as Administrator, then import the Server Manager module in to PS using:

Import-Module ServerManager

We can now install the features that are required either by typing in to the PS session, or running a script.
Side note: If you want to run a script you should run this cmdlet to learn about signing them.
Get-Help About_Signing
Use the cmdlet Add-WindowsFeature to install the required features. I have provided typical examples below.

add-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,web-webserver,web-basic-auth,web-windows-auth,web-metabase,web-net-ext,web-lgcy-mgmt-console,was-process-model,rsat-clustering,rsat-web-server,web-isapi-ext,web-digest-auth,web-dyn-compression,net-http-activation,rpc-over-http-proxy

add-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,web-webserver,web-basic-auth,web-windows-auth,web-metabase,web-net-ext,web-lgcy-mgmt-console,was-process-model,rsat-web-server
MBXadd-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,web-webserver,web-basic-auth,web-windows-auth,web-metabase,web-net-ext,web-lgcy-mgmt-console,was-process-model,rsat-clustering,rsat-web-server

add-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,adlds

add-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,web-webserver,web-basic-auth,web-windows-auth,web-metabase,web-net-ext,web-lgcy-mgmt-console,was-process-model,rsat-web-server,desktop-experience

A restart is required to complete the install.

Office 2008 for Mac Sp2 & Document Connection for SharePoint

Microsoft's MacBU today released Office 2008 for Mac SP2. Try it by downloading from here, It's listed in the right hand pane titled 'Newest' as of today (20 July 2009).

Along with the usual performance boosts Microsoft have added much requested features, one being Document Connection to improve working with SharePoint and Live WorkSpace.

The press release is here,
The Register have a piece on it here,

Oh, don't touch this if you are doing anything with Entourage EWS Beta or you’ll have to use OWA.

Updated 20:05 – Sorry the post was looking a bit bland and this is quite good, so here are some screen grabs. Apologies for the dodgy masking.

Document Connections

Connect to Site


Document Library/List


Opening a Document


Daniel Noakes

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Exchange 2010 Installation Tips

If you have installed Exchange 2010, then you have no doubt come across a few hurdles. Here are my top tips.

Open the command prompt (best to “Run as Administrator”) and use the syntax ServerManagerCMD –ip Exchange-ROLE.xml to install the the roles and features required for each server.

(Right click Save Target As / Save Link As on above files.)

You may need to set the NetTcpPortSharing service to Automatic and start it.

Install the pre-requisites applications on all Exchange 2010 servers.

Now go ahead and run the GUI installer (best to “Run as Administrator”).

Once the first Exchange 2010 CAS is installed hop over to your Exchange 2007 CAS and MBX servers and add the group Exchange Trusted Subsystem to the local administrators group.

Leave the Windows Firewall On, during the installation this should be configured correctly.

I hope this information helps.


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iPhone 3.0 May Bypass Exchange ActiveSync Policies

The iPhone 3GS now supports device encryption out of the box which seems to satisfy Exchange ActiveSync policies, this is great news for iPhone 3GS users.

The not so great news for Exchange Admin’s if an iPhone 2/3G is upgraded to the 3.0 OS. Even though the device does not support encryption the iPhone 3.0 OS is set to report it is enabled and cannot be changed.

This is not the fault of Exchange ActiveSync as it is up to the licence which features they implement. The software then reports which policies it has enforced.

I have also heard reports that iPhone 3.0 OS can bypass the timeout period before the PIN lock kicks in.

In recent times lots of non-WinMo ActiveSync clients for have started to appear. Maybe it is now time to start locking down ActiveSync to only approved devices/clients.

Daniel Noakes

Outlook 2010 Profiles Support Multiple Exchange Mailboxes

In current versions of Outlook we can add many mailboxes to our main Outlook profile, that is as long as they are in the same Exchange Org. In Outlook 2010 we can add many Exchange mailboxes, even if they hosted in separate Exchange Orgs to our main Outlook profile.

I can have a my work, BPOS and lab mailboxes all in one profile. No more switching between Outlook profiles, yippee.

If you throw Exchange 2010 in to the mix, you can move mailboxes all over the place and the end user will never know.

If you are migrating to the cloud, working with partner businesses or just a geek with lots of Exchange mailboxes this will make life easier.

Can’t wait for the Tech Preview/RTM to try this out.

Daniel Noakes

HTC Hero £399 from Expansys


Call me sad but I like this phone, possible even more than my WinMo HTC Touch HD, which also incidentally runs Android quit nicely if I choose.

I won’t bore with the specs, but it is a great all round package. BUY IT NOW


I’m weak, here are the some highlights:

Display: 3.2-inch TFT-LCD touch-sensitive screen with 320x480 HVGA resolution

Platform: Android™ - Touch-sensitive front panel buttons responding perfectly to your finger gestures when scrolling through contacts, browsing the web, and launching media

Network: Surf and download at broadband speed with HSPA internet connectivity

GPS: Integrated GPS antenna, Google Maps enhanced by the wide screen viewing platform

Camera: 5.0 megapixel colour camera with auto focus for quality stills and video

Connectivity: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 b/g), Bluetooth 2.0, Built-in 3.5 mm audio jack


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OWA redirect

Performing redirects to the /OWA directory is something most Exchange Admins have come across. Nicolas Blank covers it in his blog, Redirecting from / to /owa, perfectly.

Simple, create a text file called “default.asp” and place it in the virtual directory that is handled by and place the following code inside it. Just Remember to replace with your own domain name.


<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=">


There can be problems using Meta REFRESH (see here), so with Safari and Firefox Premium OWA support in Exchange 2010 we should use JavaScript for the best experience.
We may also want to setup a HTTP to HTTPS redirect for those users who do not type “https://…”.

<head runat="server">
<title>Outlook Web Access</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function redirect()
    var URL;
    var Protocol;
    var Path;
    // this will be whatever is in the browser. If you need to change this then comment out relevant line below
    // Protocol = window.location.protocol + "//"
    // Protocol = "
    Protocol = "https://"
    Path = window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname + "owa"
    window.location.href = Protocol + Path

<body onload="redirect()">

For best results set the root of the web site not to require SSL and all virtual directories (OWA, EWS, etc) to require SSL.


Geneva Single Sign On for the Cloud

I cam across this blog post (Geneva, Exchange Online) from the UC Three Amigos blog which has on of the best/simplest explanations of how Geneva works.

The extract below is ripped straight from their blog.

How does it work?

1. User clicks link for service
2. User taken to Microsoft Services Connector for authentication
3. Connector validates credentials with Active Directory
4. Microsoft Service Connector issues a login token and redirects to the Microsoft Federation Gateway
5. Gateway validates token and transform claims
6. Federation issues service token a directs to the service
7. user accesses the service.


This is exciting stuff for organisations looking to have spilt on-premise and cloud services as it is seamless to the user.

HP offer Cobweb shaped Cloud

HP, in partnership with Cobweb, is to offer Microsoft based SaaS solutions (Exchange, SharePoint & CRM) through the HP reseller channel to take advantage of the growing interest in cloud computing.

Read more about it on the HP web site.

What does this mean?

If you are a HP reseller, you can sell a private label SaaS solution based on monthly subscriptions without the need for up front capital expenditure.

As customer of a HP reseller, you get a guaranteed service level and low predictable monthly costs that scale as you do. Again, with no up front capital expenditure.

Who are Cobweb?

Cobweb is Europe's leading supplier of hosted Exchange mailboxes and have been offering the service since the Exchange 2000 days.

I’ve worked at Cobweb for 6 years and know first hand that a correctly designed SaaS solutions really do work (we have 99.5% mailbox up time guaranteed, we actually hit above 99.9% in 2007 and 2008).


Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1

Microsoft have released Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 to the Download Centre. Get more information here,

The have pointed out the following highlights:

  • KB 969690 - We have fixed the bug introduced in Update Rollup 7 which caused the sender of the Delivery Status Notification (DSN) to be unresolved.
  • Disable kernel mode authentication in Windows Server 2008 for CAS servers - As documented here, it was required to manually take the additional step to configure the CAS servers running Windows Server 2008 to disable kernel mode authentication. Starting this rollup, the installer will configure this for you.
  • X-Header promotion to named properties- Change to the way X-headers are promoted to named properties. More on this in Jason Nelson's blog post Named Properties, X-Headers, and You.
  • KB 961606 - We have fixed a bug where Outlook Web Access (OWA) users may find that the font size of plain text messages is extremely small on third-party Web browsers.
  • Get the download here,


    Mobile Twitter – Twikini out now

    I’m hooked on Windows Mobile and Twitter, the mobile browser interface wasn’t working well for me so I started looking at the mobile apps available. The best app for me has been Twikini. It’s clean, simple and best of all it makes a bird tweet noise when new updates are received.

    Try it free,

    It integrates with Twitpic and services like TinyURL. You can add location information using GPS, or by entering a place name. I added my location to tweets the other week and so far I haven’t noticed any new stalkers.

    I’m undecided whether to use “Tweet song info” about songs playing in Windows Media, it could generate a lot of updates and be a bit embarrassing when I’m listening Kylie.

    If you update multiple Twitter accounts there is a “Switch account” option, which is proving pretty handy especially if you have personal and company accounts to update.


    Try it for free from and follow me from your Windows Mobile.


    Exchange 2007 + OCS 2007 R2 Proof of concept

    If you want to evaluate the features of Exchange 2007 and OCS 2007 R2, but do not want to install and configure it then try this.

    Exchange Server 2007 Proof of Concept (POC) in a Box.

    You get 4 pre-configured VM’s that you can run on Hyper-V. Enjoy


    Office 2010 Technical Preview

    The Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview kicked of earlier this month allowing you to apply to be selected for testing out the pre-release versions of Word 2010, Excel 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, OneNote 2010, Access 2010, InfoPath 2010 and Publisher 2010.

    I got to use use Microsoft Office 2010 for a week in February, I’m sure a lot will change by RTM so I won’t comment, apart from on first impressions it looks great.

    For a look at it screen shots check out this post or for an even closer look The team blog for Microsoft Excel and Excel Services (look in the comments section).

    You can apply here, Microsoft Office 2010 Technical.


    Exchange Server 2010 June TechNet Webcasts

    If you have downloaded the Exchange Server 2010 Beta or think you might deploy after RTM you can get a head start with the June  2009 webcast series.

    Highlights for me will be Federation in Exchange 2010, Archiving and Retention and High Availability.

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 High Availability (Level 300)

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 Information Protection and Control (Level 300)

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 Information Protection and Control (Level 300)

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 Overview (Level 200)

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 Archiving and Retention (Level 300)

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 Architecture (Level 300)

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 Voice Mail enabled by Unified Messaging (Level 300)

    TechNet Webcast- Federation in Exchange 2010 (Level 300)

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 Management Tools (Level 300)

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 Outlook Web Access (Level 200)

    TechNet Webcast- Exchange 2010 Transition and Deployment (Level 300)

    Full listing are at,


    ActiveSync (beta) for Andriod HTC Magic

    If you have bought a HTC Magic or HTC Dream you can get a free beta ActiveSync client from

    You get Push email with HTML formatting, calendarand contact synchronisation including caller photo ID integration.

    For the security conscious a remote wipe can be initiated from Exchange Server should the device go missing. The beta ends on 30 May 2009


    Exchange 2010 laptop wrap

    In Feb I was invited to the E14 Airlift in Seattle, this was a really cool week and found out loads about Exchange 2010. We got given Exchange 2010 laptop wrap stickers, but as the name and logo had not been released it has been home bound.


    Exchange 2010 Beta

    I have been wanting to post about Exchange 2010 for so long, well today I can. First off you can download the beta here,

    One of the best bits for me is the merging of CCR with SCR to provide high availability in what is called a Database Availability Group (DAG). You can have up 16 copies of a database (1 active, 15 passive) spread across multiple subnets.

    Storage is another exciting area due to an IOPS reduction opening possibilities to use SAS and SATA for Exchange storage, and combined with DAG maybe even go raidless.

    There are many other great new and improved features which I will be talking about over the next few months.
