Exchange 2010, Windows Server 2008 R2 & ServerManager

I recently posted about Exchange 2010 installation re-requisites on Server 2008 here, Anyway, with the imminent release for Server 2008 R2 (Windows 7) we should now use PowerShell to install Windows features due to Servermanagercmd.exe being deprecated in R2.

First we need to right click PowerShell and Run as Administrator, then import the Server Manager module in to PS using:

Import-Module ServerManager

We can now install the features that are required either by typing in to the PS session, or running a script.
Side note: If you want to run a script you should run this cmdlet to learn about signing them.
Get-Help About_Signing
Use the cmdlet Add-WindowsFeature to install the required features. I have provided typical examples below.

add-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,web-webserver,web-basic-auth,web-windows-auth,web-metabase,web-net-ext,web-lgcy-mgmt-console,was-process-model,rsat-clustering,rsat-web-server,web-isapi-ext,web-digest-auth,web-dyn-compression,net-http-activation,rpc-over-http-proxy

add-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,web-webserver,web-basic-auth,web-windows-auth,web-metabase,web-net-ext,web-lgcy-mgmt-console,was-process-model,rsat-web-server
MBXadd-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,web-webserver,web-basic-auth,web-windows-auth,web-metabase,web-net-ext,web-lgcy-mgmt-console,was-process-model,rsat-clustering,rsat-web-server

add-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,adlds

add-windowsfeature net-framework,rsat-adds,web-webserver,web-basic-auth,web-windows-auth,web-metabase,web-net-ext,web-lgcy-mgmt-console,was-process-model,rsat-web-server,desktop-experience

A restart is required to complete the install.

Office 2008 for Mac Sp2 & Document Connection for SharePoint

Microsoft's MacBU today released Office 2008 for Mac SP2. Try it by downloading from here, It's listed in the right hand pane titled 'Newest' as of today (20 July 2009).

Along with the usual performance boosts Microsoft have added much requested features, one being Document Connection to improve working with SharePoint and Live WorkSpace.

The press release is here,
The Register have a piece on it here,

Oh, don't touch this if you are doing anything with Entourage EWS Beta or you’ll have to use OWA.

Updated 20:05 – Sorry the post was looking a bit bland and this is quite good, so here are some screen grabs. Apologies for the dodgy masking.

Document Connections

Connect to Site


Document Library/List


Opening a Document


Daniel Noakes

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Exchange 2010 Installation Tips

If you have installed Exchange 2010, then you have no doubt come across a few hurdles. Here are my top tips.

Open the command prompt (best to “Run as Administrator”) and use the syntax ServerManagerCMD –ip Exchange-ROLE.xml to install the the roles and features required for each server.

(Right click Save Target As / Save Link As on above files.)

You may need to set the NetTcpPortSharing service to Automatic and start it.

Install the pre-requisites applications on all Exchange 2010 servers.

Now go ahead and run the GUI installer (best to “Run as Administrator”).

Once the first Exchange 2010 CAS is installed hop over to your Exchange 2007 CAS and MBX servers and add the group Exchange Trusted Subsystem to the local administrators group.

Leave the Windows Firewall On, during the installation this should be configured correctly.

I hope this information helps.


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iPhone 3.0 May Bypass Exchange ActiveSync Policies

The iPhone 3GS now supports device encryption out of the box which seems to satisfy Exchange ActiveSync policies, this is great news for iPhone 3GS users.

The not so great news for Exchange Admin’s if an iPhone 2/3G is upgraded to the 3.0 OS. Even though the device does not support encryption the iPhone 3.0 OS is set to report it is enabled and cannot be changed.

This is not the fault of Exchange ActiveSync as it is up to the licence which features they implement. The software then reports which policies it has enforced.

I have also heard reports that iPhone 3.0 OS can bypass the timeout period before the PIN lock kicks in.

In recent times lots of non-WinMo ActiveSync clients for have started to appear. Maybe it is now time to start locking down ActiveSync to only approved devices/clients.

Daniel Noakes

Outlook 2010 Profiles Support Multiple Exchange Mailboxes

In current versions of Outlook we can add many mailboxes to our main Outlook profile, that is as long as they are in the same Exchange Org. In Outlook 2010 we can add many Exchange mailboxes, even if they hosted in separate Exchange Orgs to our main Outlook profile.

I can have a my work, BPOS and lab mailboxes all in one profile. No more switching between Outlook profiles, yippee.

If you throw Exchange 2010 in to the mix, you can move mailboxes all over the place and the end user will never know.

If you are migrating to the cloud, working with partner businesses or just a geek with lots of Exchange mailboxes this will make life easier.

Can’t wait for the Tech Preview/RTM to try this out.

Daniel Noakes